My Three Cubs!

My Three Cubs!
When we found out I was Pregnant Dustin asked if we could name our child after the Chicago Cubs. I laughed! When Gracie was born Mark Grace was so fitting for her. Beautiful Gracie. Not to mention the night she was born Mark Grace had one heck of a ball game. 2 Years later we had our Son. I struggled on what to name him. Randy said use a "D" name,” D-Hall just like his Dad". Tommy suggested the name Dawson. I loved the name Dawson immediately! Dawson-Andre Dawson that is. 2 years went by and we had another baby girl. I was having a name dilema because I didn't want to be restricted to a baseball roster. I loved the name Marlie and Ryan, Dustin suggested Ryne Sandburg! And there you have it Marlie Ryne Hall. Our Three Cubs!

I hope as soon as I get this first Blog posted I wont be so overwhelemed with creating a Blog...I hope! A few months ago I was at my Sweet friend Angi Pettersons house. She shared some of her Mom's diary with me. It really moved me! I have not stoped thinking about how neat it was that her Mother took the time to keep a journal. So, for my kids and my family this is my way to journal for you.

My latest Work Endeavor...

I was getting Gracie ready for school one morning and Melanee called me...She told me she was reading the Newspaper and saw my picture...Rhodes is doing theses fun Recipes and I do online Video's of the Recipe being made.
Dustin called me the other morning and he was at the Car dealership with his Mom...He said that the newspapers were sitting on the coffee table and there was my face...Funny!

My Mother-in-Law is a FAN! She makes every recipe each week that is in the paper. Thanks Glenda!

When Rhodes asked me to do the Video's I thought it would just be a couple...But I've been filming videos every week for over a year now.

The best part of the videos is the people I work with! Mitch, Dane, Sue and Julie are Hilarious! I belly laugh right before each video. Scott is in charge of the project. He is very complimentary and so nice to work with.
Funny things that have happened WHILE THE CAMERAS WERE ROLLING: Julie's cell phone rings, Mitch starts to cough, I cut my finger with a knife, today I didn't have the scissors and Julie sent them sailing down the counter top to me..., me trying to say"video recipe box taco nacho pizza jack o lanterns...,

Here are some Halloween Ideas that are so EASY! And super cute for you kids, family or Halloween party's! Call me if you need help!
Halloweiners and Mummy Dogs...

Bone Chillin Bread Sticks! Pumpkin Bread Bowl Fun for Soup, Chili, Or use as a Cheese dip or Vegi. dip Bowl

This Rhodes Recipe is Bacon Cheese Nibbles. It is really YUMMY! I make it and then serve it with potato soup or Baked Potatoes with Chili and sour cream.

PS - Cook the Bacon in the Microwave and its really fast!
Here is the Video (With Me) making the recipe... If you want the complete recipe go to


The Liddell Bunch said...

Hey Amy! I figured out how to change the font colors for titles etc. You click on customize and then it pulls up a page that says layout. At the top of the page it says fonts and colors. Click on that and it lets you change the color of all sorts of fonts on your blog. Let me know if this doesn't make sense and I will just come over and show you. Your blog is cute! And I love the video. See ya, Jeanette

The Liddell Bunch said...

I forgot to tell you, if you have changed the font color when you created the post and then again under layout it will kind of do weird things to the color of old posts. When you change the color under layout it sets that color for all posts so you don't have to do it when you create the post. I am sure this doesn't make any sense, sorry.

Amy said...

Ok, how cool, you are seriously famous! And what a hot little bread maker you are at that. I love that you do that, it looks like so much fun. I do need to get some recipes from you, for sure some things my kids would eat too which looks like a lot of things they have.

The Halloween ideas are DARLING, totally doing that this year. Thanks for the ideas./

Mandy said...

Thats so funny, cuz the other day Travis was telling me how he saw you in the paper. Your famous!! That's pretty cool that they have you doing all those recipes.

BTW: Was that a game or what. I about had a heart attach. Way too exciting for me to handle.

Tolman Family said...

That video is awesome. Good job Amy! You look adorable and sound great. :) Thanks for the ideas. I want to try that recipe you made on the video. It looks delish! I think I might know a guy who could hook me up with some dough. :)

Little Hall Cubs said...

You guys are all so NICE! Its a bit embarrassing so thanks for the kind words!!!

Sarah said...

That's really cute. I'm going to have to go to Rhodes site and watch all of your videos. You do a great job at that, it's not easy to do video.

Sarah said...

amy that is so cool i wish i was like you ivie and sarah oh and tell gracie i wish i was like her too ok see you later by ivie and claire and the searles ok see you latetr