My Three Cubs!

My Three Cubs!
When we found out I was Pregnant Dustin asked if we could name our child after the Chicago Cubs. I laughed! When Gracie was born Mark Grace was so fitting for her. Beautiful Gracie. Not to mention the night she was born Mark Grace had one heck of a ball game. 2 Years later we had our Son. I struggled on what to name him. Randy said use a "D" name,” D-Hall just like his Dad". Tommy suggested the name Dawson. I loved the name Dawson immediately! Dawson-Andre Dawson that is. 2 years went by and we had another baby girl. I was having a name dilema because I didn't want to be restricted to a baseball roster. I loved the name Marlie and Ryan, Dustin suggested Ryne Sandburg! And there you have it Marlie Ryne Hall. Our Three Cubs!

I hope as soon as I get this first Blog posted I wont be so overwhelemed with creating a Blog...I hope! A few months ago I was at my Sweet friend Angi Pettersons house. She shared some of her Mom's diary with me. It really moved me! I have not stoped thinking about how neat it was that her Mother took the time to keep a journal. So, for my kids and my family this is my way to journal for you.

Keeping It Real

I don't know what is wrong with me! I sent Dustin to the store and on the list was Extra Strength Clearasil, and Shampoo that on the bottle says extra body, or something to that effect. I have not had a tube of Clearasil in my bathroom since high school...And I've had so many bad hair days lately I can't stand it! So... Today I woke up with a giant cold sore! Figures hu!
I thought I would keep it real. I usually post about the cute fun things I don't ever want to forget...

We did decorate for Halloween. The kids had a really fun time. Dawson was really cute. He wanted to sleep with his Jack O Lantern plugged in. Dust told him he would turn it of when Dustin and I went to bed...Dawson came out a few min. later and said "Mom, I thought I wanted my Pumpkin turned on but its realy big on my wall and kinda freakin' me out!" (The jack O Lantern face was glowing huge on his wall)

As we were going to bed Dustin was saying that his stomach hurt. Then the Food Poisioning set in. And he had it BAD! He didn't stop throwing up all night! Literally all night. He ate at Panda,Chinese if any of you are wondering.


Amy said...

Ha Ha, your totally pregnant or something!!!!! I know what you mean though, seriously I break out more now, than I EVER have, what's up with that. Maybe it's our great womanly hormones we have now, hhhhmmmm, I don't know. Hope Dustin gets feeling better, that sucks!

Julie said...

I love to hear about real makes me feel better about my life. I am a lot older than you are and I still breakout! It just keeps getting better and better!