My Three Cubs!

My Three Cubs!
When we found out I was Pregnant Dustin asked if we could name our child after the Chicago Cubs. I laughed! When Gracie was born Mark Grace was so fitting for her. Beautiful Gracie. Not to mention the night she was born Mark Grace had one heck of a ball game. 2 Years later we had our Son. I struggled on what to name him. Randy said use a "D" name,” D-Hall just like his Dad". Tommy suggested the name Dawson. I loved the name Dawson immediately! Dawson-Andre Dawson that is. 2 years went by and we had another baby girl. I was having a name dilema because I didn't want to be restricted to a baseball roster. I loved the name Marlie and Ryan, Dustin suggested Ryne Sandburg! And there you have it Marlie Ryne Hall. Our Three Cubs!

I hope as soon as I get this first Blog posted I wont be so overwhelemed with creating a Blog...I hope! A few months ago I was at my Sweet friend Angi Pettersons house. She shared some of her Mom's diary with me. It really moved me! I have not stoped thinking about how neat it was that her Mother took the time to keep a journal. So, for my kids and my family this is my way to journal for you.


So this is the ritual I go through every night when putting Marlie to bed:

  1. Potty
  2. Teeth
  3. Hold her for a couple minutes with her Head on her blankie, on my shoulder
  4. lay her down...

She then asks these questions:

  1. Are you and Dad going to bed? (yes)
  2. Is Gracie and Dawson going to bed? (yes)
  3. Can I come in your bed in the morning? (yes)
  4. How long is it going to be until morning? (1 minute)
  5. Did you get my drink of water? (yes)
  6. Wheres my "nack"? (under your pillow) ( Awhile ago she was going through a phase. I had this stupid idea of putting a snack under her pillow in a zippy bag...if she sleeps all night she gets it in the morning)
  7. Did you get my puppy and my baby? (yes) (lots of nights I'm running through the house looking for the stuffed animal puppy.)
  8. Will you cuddle me up with my blankie? (yes...cuddle...tuck around her)
  9. Don't forget my feet! (put blankie around her ankles)
  10. Will you keep my door cracked? (yes)
  11. Are you going to bed now or in a week? (Mommys going to bed now)
  12. Good Night Sleep tight Mom (I love you, Good night sleep tight Marlie)

This is WORD for WORD what Marlie says every night!


Thank goodness Gracie is so easy to put to bed! I kiss Gracie and tell her - go get in bed and I'll be down to give you a kiss...I go kiss her and she is asleep 3 seconds later.

Dawson is really easy to put to bed too. He usually gets to stay up 20-30 minutes later then the girls because he is a sleeper in-er! Gracie is up at the crack of Dawn. We put an alarm clock in her room and told her she could not get up until it said 6:30 am!


Lindsey said...


Becky said...

We have a routine with the boys too! It gets followed every night whether it's me, Der, or Nat putting them to bed when Der and I are out.
This post was so cute. I'm so glad you're blogging now!! It's so fun to keep up with what's going on in the family. I'm gonna add you to my list.

Julie said...

One day you will miss this sweet ritual. They grow up way too fast!
Soooo Sweet!

Sarah said...

Kids and their routines are so funny. Marlie is such a sweetie!

Keddington Chronicles said...

Hi Amy, I've been checking your blog on my link on mine, and for whatever reason, it wasn't showing anything past your St. George post. So, I had lots of fun tonight reading a lot of new posts. I am so happy for you that 2 of your 3 cuties go to bed pretty easy, and the other not so bad. Bedtime in this house is a DISASTER. Has been since the day we brought K'Lynn home. Oh well!!! Hope all is well! Hope to talk to you soon. -Angela-

Amy said...

I have to say you are very lucky, we end up with 2 of the 3 kids in bed with us every night and I swear the bedtime routine takes almost 30 minutes until they are all asleep, and that's me laying with Mya. Very cute and good job for documenting it, you will love looking back on that later. Your kids are darling!