My Three Cubs!

My Three Cubs!
When we found out I was Pregnant Dustin asked if we could name our child after the Chicago Cubs. I laughed! When Gracie was born Mark Grace was so fitting for her. Beautiful Gracie. Not to mention the night she was born Mark Grace had one heck of a ball game. 2 Years later we had our Son. I struggled on what to name him. Randy said use a "D" name,” D-Hall just like his Dad". Tommy suggested the name Dawson. I loved the name Dawson immediately! Dawson-Andre Dawson that is. 2 years went by and we had another baby girl. I was having a name dilema because I didn't want to be restricted to a baseball roster. I loved the name Marlie and Ryan, Dustin suggested Ryne Sandburg! And there you have it Marlie Ryne Hall. Our Three Cubs!

I hope as soon as I get this first Blog posted I wont be so overwhelemed with creating a Blog...I hope! A few months ago I was at my Sweet friend Angi Pettersons house. She shared some of her Mom's diary with me. It really moved me! I have not stoped thinking about how neat it was that her Mother took the time to keep a journal. So, for my kids and my family this is my way to journal for you.

St. George Family Fun

September 19, 2008

St George, Green Valley

Pictures from our Balcony. I love Palm Trees.

Here is a Picture of the kids in the Giant Chair in Beaver. We stoped here for gas and Ice Cream cones along the way...

Finally we got to St.George. Randy, Melanee and the kids were already there. They Fly for Free so they flew down JERKS!

All the kids wanted to go swimming! They were un-packing and ripping off there clothes and changing into their swim suites...

Marlie was so cute. She was lining up all of her shoes and re folding all of her clothes into the drawers.

Me and Melanee decided to take the kids swimming. Dustin and Randy went to get take out from my favorite place Pasta Factory!

Marlie walking to the pools...She is so cute!

When we got to the pools there were no swim towels there so Melanee went to the Condo to get some...

Melanee...Where are you?

She came back to the Pool and said she could not get the door to work. (The condo door had a electronic deadbolt, you type in the code and it opens) She left again and said she was going to go try it again.

A long while later I was getting a little worried. Wondering where Melanee was. Not to mention All the kids were running from one pool to the next. There were 4 pools in the swimming area. So I was trying to keep all the kids contained.

I looked up a bit later at the patio...There were strange people I didn't recognize sitting on the patio. I asked Riley if anyone else was coming, NO!... So I told all the kids they had to walk with me, we walked over under the patio so I could get a better look, It was hard to see because it was about 9:00 PM and dark. Me and all five Kids were starring in silence...Finally the people yelled down "Is This your Stuff?" Then Melanee came out onto the patio, with her hands in the air she yelled

"We are in the WRONG CONDO!"

Apparently we were supposed to be in 1631 and we were in 1630. The Door of the condo that the kids had nearly ransacked all their stuff in had been left open. Melanee had been shoving all the kids clothes in the bags and setting them outside the door. 1631 was on the top floor and opposite end of the building.

We got moved into our condo, It was actually a lot nicer! Bonus for us!

The next day we went to Sand Hollow for about 1/2 day. The boys were playing with their trucks...Dustin was building them a Giant race track.

Gracie is getting so old! She loves the lake! She goes FAST on the Tube with me, she water ski's. She is a character!

The kids wanted to swim again at the Condo. Gracie and Riley were doing Toe Touches and all sorts of tricks off the diving board...

Dustin Flipping too...
The boys were so cute...

Most of the time they have their nose plugged!

Nose Plugs!



Look at Gracie's Hair! MMMM More Yummy Take Out!

After we put the kids to bed we would sit out on the Patio, and talk. Me and Randy were going down Memory lane, talking about memories we had when My parents had a condo in Green Valley. Tandem Bike, Vic Braden Tennis Lessons, Tommy & Robby riding their Big Wheels on all the sidewalks, The Smell, K-2, Shuffle board, "The Club House" !

Every morning the kids went to the play ground...


My Cute Son!

More Boating. More Wake boarding!

Sand Hollow was beautiful! Red Mountains and Red Sandy beach. We wake boarded, Tubed, Played on the beach. We even watched a bunch of kids cliff jumping for a while!

Check Dustin Out! I got a good Picture of him jumping the wake.

Randall landing a jump!

Dustin and Marlie Swimming in the Lake.

Captain Randy!

My GIRLS on the Tube with me. Marlie LOVES! the Tube. She would hold up her hand and say I want this many turns.

Back for More Swimming...



The Holden family came to see us. I'm mad I didn't get a Picture of them and the new baby...What was I thinking? They are doing great! Jen is not working anymore and the baby is beautiful! Emily looks like she is 16. Davis and Jordan are the cutest little boys. We miss you guys!

St. George was so Fun! No one wanted to go home!


Sarah said...

That looks so fun! I wish I was there right now. You guys are the cutest partents, you do such fun things with the kids.

Keddington Chronicles said...

cute cute CUTE picture on the top of your blog!! I love it!!!! That trip looks like so much fun!!! Ditto Sarah, you guys are so much fun!!! SHHHHHH, don't tell my kids, they'll feel jipped. j/k :)
Life's too short not to have tons of fun!!! Have Dustin call Josh whenever he needs to. He was super glad to help. -Angela-

Amy said...

Hey Amy, cute blog, woo hoo you have started one. Now I can check up on your cute little family. I can't believe how big little Marlie is, crazy. And you look great by the way, as always though. So St. George looks like you guys had a blast. Check in on us every now and then okay,
Talk to you soon!

Amy said...

Oh and by the way! LOVE LOVE LOVE the U of U pic of all you guys, so fun!

Mandy said...

Yeah!! I am so glad you have a blog now. We totally need to go to lunch, and for sure this time!! I can't believe how big you kids are, they are so dang cute. We love to go down to sand hollow also, it is so pretty there. I am so jealous you guys got to go. Looks like a ton of fun. Do you care if I add your link to my blog?
BTW: Our seats are in section 22 row 16. Come see us on Thursday if you get a chance. Should be a fun game.

Mindy said...

I have told your story about the wrong room so many times and had such good laughs about it!! Thanks for sharing your horror story and hopefully you can laugh about it now!!